jeudi 12 octobre 2017

what do you think

holahola hope

here i am

mardi 17 mai 2016


The CASE LAW to EFFECT: Are you a Cause or Effect in your life?

law of cause and effect - Definition

You certainly know the law of cause and effectwhich is also called Law of Karma .
The cause of law has effect says that every effect is the result of a multitude of causes .
In life, you are either a cause or an effect.
And I invite you today in this journey whether you are a cause or an effect.
Do you think that what you see in your life or just a coincidence?
You've probably heard that your outer world reflects your inner world . What he has in your inner world?
So chance or no chance? My message on video:
The law of cause and effect
  • What you decide in your life?
  • Are you creative? Are you responsible for what you do in your life?
  • Or are you an effect? Do you experience what you experience in life? Do you think that everything that happens is you just happen and you are like a puppet guided by superior forces?
  • Are you a designer who is using what happens in your life?
I want to take you on the field of creation.
The human being has been appointed to create . Everything was on us to imagine and implement all that we think can .
Thus, we are responsible for everything that happens in our lives.
Of course, life throws us constantly many experiences that were not asked. And that can make us believe that we are just puppets.
One of my relatives made me his theory on it recently. He was convinced that we controllions nothing and took as example dire situations he had experienced and he had nothing to withdraw.
I have not managed to hear my point of view is this. No matter what is true . Whether we be creative or subisseur, what matters for me is to feel that I have the power to change my life the way I want .
Most people say "  I'll do it when I have it ". The problem with this thinking is that these people will NEVER get this thing in question. And therefore will never do what they planned to do.
If you know you have the power over your life, you can create everything, you are master of your destiny, you have within you a much greater strength to those who only suffer .
If you want power, you must be at the origin of things that you live , you must be a reason!
And when you live an unpleasant situation, downright horrible, I invite you to ask yourself why you live.
If you close immediately the idea of ​​being able to learn from this event and that life was fierce on you at this point, then you have no power and only your eyes to cry.
However, if you make this conscious effort to look for the why of what happens to you and ensure you use it to your advantage, then you will activate the magic in your life like never before!

Become a creator be the law of cause and effect

I wish here to convey a positive message that pushes you to question yourself.
If life was just a coincidence, I do not understand what am I doing here.
What is the purpose of a life where you do not control anything, where everything happens for a reason?
Quite honestly, if I one day discovered this deception, I stop living. What good is living if whatever I do, the results are random?
But I am convinced that today we are all creative beings and we have the power to create the life we ​​want in every moment.
However, careful not to go to extremes.
We are all connected and this connection that every effect is the result of a multitude of causes which we do not have a 100% responsibility .
We are in co-creation .
And that means that every effect is the result of the actions and intentions of a multitude of individuals.
You have the power to say you want to reach in a certain direction, and the ability to make every effort to get there.
However, success is not built alone in his corner.
Can we do it alone ? This is what I said in a previous video.
I think we're all here to help each other to achieve the best and that everyone can express themselves fully  and shine its light all its power!
The accident may have its place. Whatever. What matters is that you are aware of your creative power, you are a cause!
You can absolutely change everything, everything achieved but transform .
Build your inner world and do everything you can so that it is reflected in your outer world .
The universe has no reason not to give you what you ask. Sometimes the path will be longer than expected, full of pitfalls.
But then think about the why of these barriers. What do they mean? Why are you living situations you do not want?
This is how you are going to react the best way and run the law of cause and effect to your advantage.
We could go much further on this subject in speaking of Karma but I reserve this subject forATAYUMN seminars where we take the time to go in depth on these topics.
Meanwhile, what do you choose to create here and now to run the law of cause and effect to your advantage ?
How will you turn called negative experiences you with essential insights for your success and happiness?
Be a cause! Be creative! Be a co-creator worthy of the name !

Why we get what we want when we least expect it

Why we get what we want when we least expect it

That's something paradoxical good. You certainly exprimenté this stuff.
You want something passionately, it is an obsession and even for months, you strive to move in that direction and you do not get what you want.
And after a while you say '  OK, that's good, I'm sick! I give up! ".
And the magic is active at that time and you get suddenly what you want .
My message of the day on video!
Why we get what we want when we least expect it
In reality, this is happening because when one is in an obstinate attitude , you grant much too much importance to the result .
And after a while, you no longer resent succeed in getting what you covet .
There is a real frustration that is created and that prevents you literally get what you want.
So the objective in your life when you are targeting a goal is that there is no tension .
I love that sentence in American millionaire who said "  I care not that much purpose ". This means: "  This is important to me but not that much ".
In other words, it is to have in sight a goal that is important to you but for which you are detached from the outcome .
How can you achieve this?
Simply focusing towards your goal should make you feel good here and now !
There should be no tension.
When you feel good here and now, then you feel happy to move toward your goals.
And v e do not ask yourself whether you'll get what you covet or not .
The goal in life is to take his foot as I was telling my video: Make love to the world!
There are only two rules for living the life of your dreams:
  • Not knowing of tension between where you are and what you covet
  • And you feel good here and now in relation to who you are and what you do
So many people set goals that make them feel bad!
These objectives may be too ambitious, not aligned with who you are, ego, etc. In all cases, these are not goals that come from the heart and that naturally give you the joy !
Now this is the objective of the goals!
If you set goals that lead you to despair, so do not fix you. Really change the way you do.
The ultimate rule is: any target should make you feel good here and now .
It is this phenomenon that you will naturally get what you want inside you.
And if you are too attached to the results, then life will catch up with you.

How I learned this principle in losing a World Cup

I had the chance to be part of the best world in a discipline I loved it a few years ago.
I should have been on the top step of the podium at a World Cup and at the last moment, everything collapsed for me while all prognostic gave me the winner. I found myself off the podium and it was for me one of the greatest disappointments of my life!
But I also integrated at the cellular level one of the greatest lessons of my life that day. I was so absorbed with the result that I forgot to live for the moment .
And that moment turned into a nightmare because of me!
I literally forgot to live and give the best of myself in the moment in favor of illusions about what I really wanted.
When the idea of ​​losing came to my mind, it all fell apart for me, I had lost before, I had signed my defeat.
But this defeat was a magical experience and one of the most beautiful lessons of my life ...

Getting what you want naturally

Why put so much tension in it that we want? Why try to force life to give us some things we is not ready?
Yes, we must be patient and appreciate what is happening here and now.
If one does not what one covets is that this is not the time for us to receive .
Move forward every day as much as possible by giving the best of themselves, and there is no doubt that our life would be wonderful!
Set yourself goals that are important to you, but not that much .
Your goals should make you vibrate, and by that I mean that they should make you feel beautifully here and now in order to act the way!
Success is up to you. Success is built here and now. Achieving goals is a matter of decision and letting go ...
To be sure to get what you want out of life, I invite you to join a ATAYUMN seminar where you will live a magical experience in small committee to co-create the life of your dreams. Find all the information here: 
Now you know why you sometimes get what we want when we least expect it : because there is no longer any tension and that energy can abound in this area .

Aiming GOLD and EXCELLENCE in all circumstances

Aiming GOLD and EXCELLENCE in all circumstances

Why should you go for gold and excellence in every situation?his isthe path I want to take you today.
Human beings naturally seek to grow , to grow andbecome better .
Others help us to excel and we are naturally grow to a competition in relation to ourselves.
I want to take you on this quest for excellence today for you to express the best version of yourself !
My message on video:
Aiming GOLD and EXCELLENCE in all circumstances
Kaizen is this method that allows us to move forward in small steps and every day to go in the direction that we want.
So why should you go for the gold?
The human being is made for that.
We are just DESIGNATED A to Z to get the best out of life .
  • Look around you and see the abundance that reigns supreme.
  • Look at nature, your own body. Look at the endless possibilities available to us at every moment.
The world is abundance and the universe is perfect in every moment.
I had the chance to participate in high level competitions like I tell the regularly.
And what fascinated me more than anything was to go for gold .
Regardless of being on the top step of the podium but I was really involved in the act of giving the best of myself .
And this attitude, I decided to implement it in every area of ​​my life.
And you ? Are you aiming for gold?
Ask yourself the question of your own attitude in your life.
I am sure that in some areas, you aim for perfection, you are extremely demanding.
And in other areas, you are definitely more permissive.
So why the difference?
You will certainly feel more gifted in certain areas and it is quite normal and natural.
However, that does not prevent you from going for gold.
What is the point of doing that?
By doing this, you simply give the best of yourself!
You may be disappointed with the end result because you do not have perhaps not received the prize.
But you can not stay long because you gave the best.
And it is only by giving the best of oneself that one can truly get the best results .
In addition, you are on an extremely beneficial great learning path for you.
Playing in the course of the great, you do honor to life by showing what you are really capable .
So maybe now you complain about some results that you know.
  • Maybe your finances are not in good shape.
  • Maybe your relationship is in trouble
  • Maybe you would like to do more activities you love.
What prevents you today to give everything to strive for perfection ?
Two possible answers to this question:
  • Nothing
  • Yourself
Terrible revelation !!
No, life is not against you. Life is pleased to see you fighting . Life wants you to be on top.
That's it for the gold.
This is not a result of the question. It is a question of giving the best of oneself and to honor the life that was given to you.
Your body and mind are both extremely powerful tools .
Do you underestimate? Are you under-use?
Or maybe even that you employ them in the stuffing of harmful substances. This can be detrimental to the food or negative information.
So what about it?
This same logic is reflected in what you see in others.
Do you see wrong and you say that people are stupid or worthless?
No, each person is a wonder of creation.
  • You are a wonder of creation. And you deserve the best as each of us.
  • You deserve to live your dreams every day.
  • You deserve to live in abundance.
  • You deserve to manifest your desires
  • You deserve to achieve all your goals .
  • You deserve to live a wonderful relationship
  • You deserve to feel great at every moment .
  • You deserve to shine your bright light
  • You deserve it all.
And you need to tend in that direction, to strive for perfection.
Is not it our way? Is not our mission?
We all have a reason to live specific. The find is part of our life.
But then what really matters is to give the best to express themselves fully and get the best results.
Because to get the best results, you have no choice but to strive for excellence .
Only this quest for excellence that will take you to the most beautiful success.
You owe it.
I really invite you to set aside everything that can obstruct your light and express what is most beautiful in you .
I hope this inspires you to go for gold and excellence in every situation.
Because this has nothing to ego, it is a wish that has the universe for you. This is what we demand every moment.
Give our best and we will always be rewarded. Especially in terms of personal growth.

3 Secrets to a happy and abundant life

3 Secrets to a happy and abundant life

Would you like to  know a happy life and  abundant in everyday life?
I propose today 3 secrets to living a happy and abundant life .
These keys are not so easy to implement but they are vital to any success and all life fully fulfilling.
Do not think that living a happy life and abundance to be easy. Although it is!😀
In reality, the more you will be guided by your intuition , by your feelings , living your life without headaches , the more you naturally head to this beautiful track.
But of course, in an image and packaging company like ours, difficult to make sense of things.
Discover now these 3 secrets for happiness and live in abundance in all areas!
3 Secrets to a happy and abundant life
Secrets, keys, tricks, there are! And I wanted to remember here in 3 large that can shatter your life for the better.
A happy life is worth being fully oneself and advancing daily by applying the following secrets.

Secret # 1: NEVER work

How does it never work? We must work for a living !
Yes we were taught so to think that we must work hard for a living.
Yet, it does not necessarily work that way.
Efforts are usually rewarded. But they are especially if they are made ​​in the best possible energy.
And what is the best energy? This is the effortless !
Paradox: make efforts effortless ...
For effortless, I mean in the light most total.
If you move towards your goals without the feeling of working, you turn the beautiful energiesthat propel you to the heights .
Unless you feel like work, more time flies, the more you have fun and you know beautiful results without even realizing it!
So naturally forward, taking your foot in living your life background .
By not having the feeling of effort you apply to wonder the path of least resistance which is a fundamental law of the universe.
Never work makes you live with happiness and that feeling of abundance that you can get everything without needing either difficult.
It can however be and to reduce this impact, see the other 2 keys.

Secret # 2: Be motivated and enthusiastic DAILY

To live a happy life , you need to speak the language of the universe. For this you must:
The more your business is a source of joy, the more you vibrate every day, and you will create a life that you really like!
That is why I invite you to join a seminar ATAYUMN because I know how this weekend has the power to transform your life for the better.
And this can be another seminar or event that triggers a magnificent awareness that propels you to the top.
In all cases, the more you will be motivated every day, the more you will develop and put under great energy in everything you do .
Enthusiasm is the key to success. Ralph Waldo Emerson famously said in this quote "  Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm ".
This is why you should pursue your dreams. To live a life of abundance, you can not remain confined in a life that is not like you .
You must be actor and tailor-creator of life that moves you .
You have no choice but to be connected to your life mission .
And for this, I recommend you take part in the free training CLARITY will give you several ways to find your dreams and grow your enthusiasm every day.

Secret # 3: Being positive IN ANY SITUATION

boat Council? Perhaps, but if not respected.
Being positive means to be at every moment, whatever happens and continue to persevere in any situation !
Most people are positive when things go well and when there is a glitch, everything collapses.
Positivity, it's not that! It is to see the positive where others do not see it !
That is to have faith to move forward at any moment and continue whatever happens.
Life is not a long quiet river. Far from there !
You can choose to lead a cushy life always staying in your comfort zone .
That life will not be the most cheerful and pleasant.
If you choose to follow your dreams and really do what you're made ​​for and what you came to Earth, then you will be challenge.
And it is in these moments where you have to be strong, positive and adapt to the circumstance that gives you life.
This is what you asked!