Aiming GOLD and EXCELLENCE in all circumstances
Aiming GOLD and EXCELLENCE in all circumstances
Why should you go for gold and excellence in every situation?his isthe path I want to take you today.
Human beings naturally seek to grow , to grow andbecome better .
Others help us to excel and we are naturally grow to a competition in relation to ourselves.
I want to take you on this quest for excellence today for you to express the best version of yourself !
My message on video:
Aiming GOLD and EXCELLENCE in all circumstances
Kaizen is this method that allows us to move forward in small steps and every day to go in the direction that we want.
So why should you go for the gold?
The human being is made for that.
- Look around you and see the abundance that reigns supreme.
- Look at nature, your own body. Look at the endless possibilities available to us at every moment.
The world is abundance and the universe is perfect in every moment.
I had the chance to participate in high level competitions like I tell the regularly.
And what fascinated me more than anything was to go for gold .
Regardless of being on the top step of the podium but I was really involved in the act of giving the best of myself .
And this attitude, I decided to implement it in every area of my life.
And you ? Are you aiming for gold?
Ask yourself the question of your own attitude in your life.
I am sure that in some areas, you aim for perfection, you are extremely demanding.
And in other areas, you are definitely more permissive.
So why the difference?
You will certainly feel more gifted in certain areas and it is quite normal and natural.
However, that does not prevent you from going for gold.
What is the point of doing that?
By doing this, you simply give the best of yourself!
You may be disappointed with the end result because you do not have perhaps not received the prize.
But you can not stay long because you gave the best.
And it is only by giving the best of oneself that one can truly get the best results .
In addition, you are on an extremely beneficial great learning path for you.
Playing in the course of the great, you do honor to life by showing what you are really capable .
So maybe now you complain about some results that you know.
- Maybe your finances are not in good shape.
- Maybe your relationship is in trouble
- Maybe you would like to do more activities you love.
What prevents you today to give everything to strive for perfection ?
Two possible answers to this question:
- Nothing
- Yourself
Terrible revelation !!
No, life is not against you. Life is pleased to see you fighting . Life wants you to be on top.
That's it for the gold.
This is not a result of the question. It is a question of giving the best of oneself and to honor the life that was given to you.
Your body and mind are both extremely powerful tools .
Do you underestimate? Are you under-use?
Or maybe even that you employ them in the stuffing of harmful substances. This can be detrimental to the food or negative information.
So what about it?
This same logic is reflected in what you see in others.
Do you see wrong and you say that people are stupid or worthless?
No, each person is a wonder of creation.
- You are a wonder of creation. And you deserve the best as each of us.
- You deserve to live your dreams every day.
- You deserve to live in abundance.
- You deserve to manifest your desires
- You deserve to achieve all your goals .
- You deserve to live a wonderful relationship
- You deserve to feel great at every moment .
- You deserve to shine your bright light
- You deserve it all.
And you need to tend in that direction, to strive for perfection.
Is not it our way? Is not our mission?
But then what really matters is to give the best to express themselves fully and get the best results.
Because to get the best results, you have no choice but to strive for excellence .
Only this quest for excellence that will take you to the most beautiful success.
You owe it.
I really invite you to set aside everything that can obstruct your light and express what is most beautiful in you .
I hope this inspires you to go for gold and excellence in every situation.
Because this has nothing to ego, it is a wish that has the universe for you. This is what we demand every moment.
Give our best and we will always be rewarded. Especially in terms of personal growth.
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