mardi 17 mai 2016

Why we get what we want when we least expect it

Why we get what we want when we least expect it

That's something paradoxical good. You certainly exprimenté this stuff.
You want something passionately, it is an obsession and even for months, you strive to move in that direction and you do not get what you want.
And after a while you say '  OK, that's good, I'm sick! I give up! ".
And the magic is active at that time and you get suddenly what you want .
My message of the day on video!
Why we get what we want when we least expect it
In reality, this is happening because when one is in an obstinate attitude , you grant much too much importance to the result .
And after a while, you no longer resent succeed in getting what you covet .
There is a real frustration that is created and that prevents you literally get what you want.
So the objective in your life when you are targeting a goal is that there is no tension .
I love that sentence in American millionaire who said "  I care not that much purpose ". This means: "  This is important to me but not that much ".
In other words, it is to have in sight a goal that is important to you but for which you are detached from the outcome .
How can you achieve this?
Simply focusing towards your goal should make you feel good here and now !
There should be no tension.
When you feel good here and now, then you feel happy to move toward your goals.
And v e do not ask yourself whether you'll get what you covet or not .
The goal in life is to take his foot as I was telling my video: Make love to the world!
There are only two rules for living the life of your dreams:
  • Not knowing of tension between where you are and what you covet
  • And you feel good here and now in relation to who you are and what you do
So many people set goals that make them feel bad!
These objectives may be too ambitious, not aligned with who you are, ego, etc. In all cases, these are not goals that come from the heart and that naturally give you the joy !
Now this is the objective of the goals!
If you set goals that lead you to despair, so do not fix you. Really change the way you do.
The ultimate rule is: any target should make you feel good here and now .
It is this phenomenon that you will naturally get what you want inside you.
And if you are too attached to the results, then life will catch up with you.

How I learned this principle in losing a World Cup

I had the chance to be part of the best world in a discipline I loved it a few years ago.
I should have been on the top step of the podium at a World Cup and at the last moment, everything collapsed for me while all prognostic gave me the winner. I found myself off the podium and it was for me one of the greatest disappointments of my life!
But I also integrated at the cellular level one of the greatest lessons of my life that day. I was so absorbed with the result that I forgot to live for the moment .
And that moment turned into a nightmare because of me!
I literally forgot to live and give the best of myself in the moment in favor of illusions about what I really wanted.
When the idea of ​​losing came to my mind, it all fell apart for me, I had lost before, I had signed my defeat.
But this defeat was a magical experience and one of the most beautiful lessons of my life ...

Getting what you want naturally

Why put so much tension in it that we want? Why try to force life to give us some things we is not ready?
Yes, we must be patient and appreciate what is happening here and now.
If one does not what one covets is that this is not the time for us to receive .
Move forward every day as much as possible by giving the best of themselves, and there is no doubt that our life would be wonderful!
Set yourself goals that are important to you, but not that much .
Your goals should make you vibrate, and by that I mean that they should make you feel beautifully here and now in order to act the way!
Success is up to you. Success is built here and now. Achieving goals is a matter of decision and letting go ...
To be sure to get what you want out of life, I invite you to join a ATAYUMN seminar where you will live a magical experience in small committee to co-create the life of your dreams. Find all the information here: 
Now you know why you sometimes get what we want when we least expect it : because there is no longer any tension and that energy can abound in this area .

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