mardi 17 mai 2016

How to change its relationship with money

The relationship with money ... What could be more complex?
Silver has many labels in our society and we can say that the psychology of money in its place!
Between those who worship and attract and those who hate and are poor, there are all possible scenarios.
This article is important to me because I write it in the top of the abundance that will open in a few days.  Register here now
The abundance is thinking about money but it encompasses much more than that.
But it is a special time where we can change its relationship with money by leading experts on the subject.
My message of the day on video:
Relationship to money and new paradigm
Money is at the heart of our present world. It governs the vast majority of exchanges and we bend its rules.
However, we are currently experiencing the emergence of a new paradigm. The world is changing at high speed.
You see it every day. Unhealthy foundations of our world are revealed.
Others are built by the pioneers of the new era.
We are the pioneers.
Being a pioneer means simply to be in a personal and collective consciousness evolution process.
Personal initially to meet, anchor and align with our divine part.
Collective in a second time, putting his efforts to serve the community by being a center of energy.
This is what leads us to develop our consciousness of abundance.
And I really think that consciousness of abundance through the relationship to money.
If I am aware that money circulates freely and may at any time come into my life unlimited if I prompted, then the money will come to me.
I can also be full of limiting beliefs vis-à-vis money. I think it is unhealthy and that I must work hard, by the sweat of my brow, to get it.
All schemes are possible, valid, but more importantly, we can change!
We can at any time change its relationship to money and gradually develop a consciousness of abundance.
The latter will gradually develop in all areas, allowing us to get what we want by the law of attraction.

Relationship to money and intention

What is your vis-a-vis for money? Or in other words what the majority do you think when it comes to money?
Ask yourself this question really whether you love money or not.
Basically, money is energy. And an energy that flows freely according to his desires and people who open their doors.
Here is a story that you can find in the book of the abundance of top .
I invited the money in my heart and asked him what he wanted to  say. 
He replied:
Me money, I am a life energy and a bargaining chip between  you, human beings.
As a bargaining chip, I like to move around freely.
What's unfortunate that these people full of fears wanting  to take me to stack all tickets throughout their life!
I choke and feel useless.
I like change house, wandering around and meet lots of different people.
There is something regrettable, it is the people who are trapped in  their inner tower.
It's a shame I do not have access to them.
I try to go home, but this is impossible, everything is locked.
You know for what reason they close their doors to me?
They believe they do not deserve me.
You go account?
They believe that there are those who deserve me and those who do not deserve me.
If they had consulted me, I would have told them that I love everyone who  loves me and that I believe everyone deserves to have all the money  it needs.
There are also those who believe that I am unclean and reject me, believing be  contaminated in their turn if they attend me.
And then there are those who believe that spirituality and I are in conflict and  those who think it takes hard work to get me home.
Open your door and I'll be happy to fill you with blessings and  abundance.
If you release the limiting beliefs and judgments about me, we  'll be accomplices.
With me, you can realize projects that are important to you, spoiling  your children and celebrate life.
I welcome, it is open to the abundance and beauty of life.
Has there-that not matter to change his way of seeing things?
Do you allow the money to come into your life? Did you invite? Or do you see it as an enemy to be defeated?
This may seem absurd, but it is the relationship to money qu'entretiennent millions.
So what is your intention from now?
To give you some ideas, I invite you to dive into your heart .

Heal his relationship to money in the heart

First, you should know that life is not a bed of roses.
We live to grow, as everything wishes to grow in life.
The baby who is born wants to learn, discover, grow. Just as Nature is continually growing.
However, not everything done in the wonderful world of Care Bears and Life is there to give us different situations in life.
And these situations can sometimes be very challengeantes.
This is where our fears are born, our failures, our conditioning. Because we live in difficult situations and our environment tends to punish us when we do not succeed. Our brain then registers a bad action where there was an experience.
So we cut the abundance that awaits anyone who continues to advance what.
It is in this perseverance and being in the energy of heart, that our aspirations can be born a relationship to self and healthy living!
This is also how the flow of money can move freely in our life and we can enjoy a wonderful relationship with money.
The abundance materializes in all areas when it is aligned.
Know that it is the energy of your heart that will bring you all the money you need.
Because money is energy and goes where it can go more easily, respecting the natural law of least effort.
Just as water or electricity always go where the path is easier and direct the energy of money did the same.
If everything in your attitude, your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, words, habits show that money is not welcome in your life, he will not come .
Reconnect with him so simply by focusing on your true desires heart.
Money is only a result of a healthy lifestyle.
As I say in the video, I do not force the money to come see me. I just do what seems right to me and continues to advance whatever happens to give the best.
So the money I need always happens when I need them. It's absolutely miraculous! I rejoice when I think of everything that happens to me for no reason just to show me that I am on the right track !
Everyone can enter this flow of abundance. Everyone can create this relationship to the fabulous money.
For this, it is enough to be centered and in the complete letting go .
You must surrender to life and stop thinking .
And I know that if you do not agree with this, it is because you are analyzing.
Thought is the scourge of humanity , as Jack Sword said.
Yes, in a sense, but if it focuses on what really makes sense for itself to go into the energy of the heart, then it connects to the abundance present all around us, in everything and in itself .
Being happy and take care of yourself and dreams is certainly one of the biggest keys to abundance.
Before leaving, do not forget to  click here to download the book of the abundance of top .

You will find in particular the following:
  • Your spiritual path and your relationship to money Page 8
  • Money said Claudette Vidal Page 11
  • Are you an alchemist money? page 12
  • The Fable of the shoemaker or how to know its value Page 16
  • Abraham, the first entrepreneur -
  • From the book "The Next Millionaires" Page 20
  • The new company: from competition to cooperation Page 23
  • The economy of the economy or lack of abundance,
  • which will you choose? page 25
  • The pressure at the Grace Page 31
  • And if true abundance was just in your heart? page 33
And I hope to see you during the summit of the abundance that looks extremely rich. I myself look forward to discovering what has been prepared other experts. It'll be fun.
And you ? What is your relationship with money ? Think you can change and develop a beautiful abundance consciousness in any situation? I welcome your feedback in the comments with pleasure!

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